Promotional Art!

I found some nice promo pics during my searching around! 

Promotional art is the artwork you see on merchandise, website designs and etc. Sometimes they’re direct assets from the show, (like drawings taken from model sheets) but in this case, these drawings of the characters were created specifically for promotional material:




([Source got deleted], This was being used as the video's thumbnail)

I can’t wait to see more of these popping up!

*•. ̧ Originally Posted  ̧.•*'

  ˜”*°• February 26, 2018 •°*”~

I've been wanting to see if I could 
convincingly add Della to these images ever since I came across 'em
same with that one cover-banner thing for Season 3
the one where they hastily reuse the artwork from the SDCC poster x_x
I think that could have looked a lot better...
at least she was put next to launchpad lmayo

Tag notes: i love this 
the empty spot where della's supposed to go cri 
donald are you ok are you ok donald


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