Quick Theory On Webby’s Room:


I think some of Webby's belongings could have been hand-me-downs from Della's childhood and/or items that were originally intended for HDL's nursery.

Maybe Webby was subconsciously influenced by Della and that could be why she has piloting as one of her goals.


*•. ̧ Originally Posted  ̧.•*'

  ˜”*°• August 15, 2018 •°*”~

I have more thoughts about this room now.
That Pilot!Webbby thing didn't go anywhere
Or did it rep something else?
Tag notes: this finale is making me so nervous 
my spear of selene theory post is dead 
i'm still holding on to my third installment of Launchdad 
nope it ain't dead yet folks

Wait, Past!K-Tee, what was your previous spear theory??


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