Disney+ added a bunch of dubs to their DT17 audio options!


And along with that, we have definite confirmation that "Lizzy" was used for Webby's project name in the Dutch (Netherlands) version instead of "April". 

Lizzy was Webby's name in the DT87 Dutch dub. The translators confused her for April, who was already renamed to Lizzy in their country. (Not too strange of a thing since Webby was inspired by Daisy's nieces.)


*•. ̧ Originally Posted  ̧.•*'
  ˜”*°• September 10th, 2021 •°*”~


Previously Posted:

It’s been four weeks since “Last Adventure” aired in The Netherlands and I still can’t find any information on what was done with Webby’s name in that dub.

I was going to wait for the audio to become available on Disney+, but I’m starting to get impatient, lol.

So, does anyone know? Is it Lizzy, April or something else?


(reposted because i completely forgot to include which country's dub i was referring to that's what happens when you don't proofread things smh)

June 12th, 2021


Got a response back from a comment I made elsewhere claiming that her name did get revealed as Lizzy. Glad that’s settled. I kinda...wish there was a video floating around somewhere though...

...Huh, I'm just now realizing that there are multiple things in the reboot that derive from the Dutch canon: 

I...don't want to call her April McDuck. :(


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