Manual Hints?


While observing the manual scenes in “Whatever Happened to Della Duck?”, I noticed some numbers and abbreviations worth paying attention to:

  • “DT-17” stands for “DuckTales 2017”; the reboot premiered August 15th of that year.
  • “DT-18” stands for “DuckTales 2018”; Season 2 of the reboot premiered October 20th of that year.
    • Similarly to these two, there is also “DT-87”, which stands for “DuckTales 1987”; the original version of the show premiered September 18th of that year. It has been referenced in the show multiple times as a security system, a robot and Launchpad’s birthday.
From top to bottom: The mansion's security system in "McMyster at McDuck McManor!", the security bot from "Day of The Only Child!" and Launchpad's license from "Beware of the B.U.D.D.Y. System!"
  • A lot of 7’s can be seen in visible parts of the manual. This is mainly due to the fact that “Whatever Happened” is the seventh episode of Season 2.
 "Dialg. 207" contains the production code for "Whatever Happened".
  • Because of 7’s significance, could “7-15”, “7-16” and “7-18” be hinting towards Episodes 15,16 and 18? Could there be something important about these episodes that correlate to Episode 7 or possibly Della in general?
  • I have no idea what 800 could mean, but “76E” could represent Episodes 7 and 6. They're back-to-back Della episodes, 7 takes place entirely in the past and 6 takes place more so in the present.
*•. ̧ Originally Posted  ̧.•*'
  ˜”*°• April 3, 2019 •°*”~
If S2 episodes, 15 is "Chemistry", 16 is "Duck Knight", 18 is "Happened to Donald"
Not mentioned, but 17 is "Birthday Doofus"
Is 800, "Friendship"? or S1's "Internship"?

tag notes: oh hey isn't ep 16 a big launchpad focused one? hmmmm *thinks loudly*

LP appeared in most of these...


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