DuckTales Could be...Moving?

Yesterday I was looking at Amazon’s DT book listings for the UMPTEENTH TIME in hopes that maybe a new book or cover was added. I did happen to notice a minor change to the “Mysteries and Mallards” cover: 


The Disney Channel logo has been added! 

Ducktales has been airing on Disney Channel and DisneyXD in other countries. But...this book is set for an American release. And the previous comic compilation has the DisneyXD logo on it:


I've heard of Star Vs. moving to Disney Channel for its fourth season, but does this mean Ducktales could be making the switch as well? If Disney was planing on airing the show on both channels, wouldn't it have both logos? 

Also, since “Mysteries and Mallards” is set to release in April, can we expect the show to return no later than that month? Or is April around the time we can expect to see the show air consistently on Disney Channel? I’m hoping that it’s both.

EDIT: It was IDW that stated the book will be out in April. Multiple stores are saying May, so that might ending being the correct month. April is still a possible time for the hiatus to be over, but May is looking more likely.

(See also)

*•. ̧ Originally Posted  ̧.•*'
  ˜”*°• March 3, 2018 •°*”~
I still don't understand why they completely stopped airing the show
I know part of it was because DisChan didn't want to air it in order,
but like...what about reruns?
were they expecting people to be more likely to buy access to DXD 
if DT was an exclusive show?
I think that had a negative effect on viewership & awareness


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