Further Duck Cousin Observations:

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

(Holy guacamole, these things are even more connected than I thought)

Donald’s situation in Space and his return to Earth shared similar elements with all three cousins.

  • Held as prisoner (Gladstone)
  • Sent out a transmission but it wasn’t payed attention to (Della, sorta Fethry)
  • Crashed and became a castaway (Della)
  • Lived in isolation for a long period of time (Della, Fethry)
  • Used something to help him cope with his isolation (Della, Fethry)

And while I was making my post about comparing the cousins to the kids, I realized that Donald had a ripped sleeve, and a bandage on his right arm as well as his left leg to emphasize the parallel being made to Della’s time on the Moon.


Another interesting thing I’ve come to realize is how Gladstone, Fethry and Della’s locations are very island like.


And then then they all end up meeting together on an actual island.


There’s so much being expressed in this one shot...the land meeting the sea...a crashed vehicle...a twin who’s been taking care of the kids...the other twin, a castaway who’s been wanting to come back home...and between both of them, the Moon eclipses the Sun.

It’s so cool how “Moonvasion!” tied all of this together! I wonder if this is what the Gander-Depths pattern was leading up to...or if it’s part of a bigger picture we have yet to see in full...

*•. ̧ Originally Posted  ̧.•*'
  ˜”*°• October 14, 2019 •°*”~
S1 & S2 had an eclipse, but S3 did not. :c
Would that have been saved for a different kind of reunion 
that tied all of these ending together?
Mitzi's DWD colors + orange
The green airship is attached to the mutant
look at Webby's room decorations
what does that guidebook text say??!

tag notes: depending there might be a romantic element in all the situations too
the missing half of the heart locket webby had 
maybe the back of the family photo maybe


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