Additional Commentary For "The Moon in Season 3"


12 / 16 / 24 (This was originally posted to my Tumblr sideblog since I'm starting to use it again.)

I may have missed a spot:

I thought about the object in the top left corner being a cloud, but it doesn't match the style of the other clouds...the shape is way too round, and there's no indication of a shadow's doesn't exactly match the usual look of the Moon in this show, but it's shown up without extra details at least a couple of time before. (One being "Impossibin" above and another being "Gander") And it is the daytime; the Moon would look a lot duller in comparison to what it would look like at night.

Could this be some weird visual error that got through? Possibly.

But if I'm right about this...that would mean:

Launchpad was hit by a powerful ray of light, under a different persona, in a cloudy environment, where the Moon was present. And then afterwards, fell from a great height, towards a body of water. And because of this experience, he's unable to recall a significant amount of important information.

...Why does that sound very close to something I've been theorizing about...waaay before this episode aired? 🤨

The Moon was only visible in this shot. It's not shown in other parts of scene.

Was it originally supposed to be more present, and they forgot to take it out here? Or was it purposely placed in a more hidden way to, uh...hint at something?

"This whole night is my fault!"

LP falling towards water and reverting back into his regular self, makes me think of Bulba's line about doing something "big and splashy to announce ourselves to the world."...though, that is largely because I misunderstood "announce" with "reintroduce" somehow. Eh, not too far off. Anyway...isn't the phrase normally "big and flashy"? I know Liquidator was standing next to Bulba, but he wasn't talking directly to him. Making it more aquatic when it normally isn't, felt it was meant to reference back to what the dramatic, slow-motion scene to "Crash Twice" may have been trying to convey...that Launchpad coming back to Earth was a big spectacle.

Ever since "Moonvasion!", I've been wondering if LP was mistaken as a space rock entering the atmosphere, when he was really "a guy this whole time". Something similar to what Donald's return looked like when he escaped from Lunaris.

It would make a lot of sense for these episodes to be connected in general. I mean, both of them were very Launchpad focused with F.O.W.L. and Darkwing elements. And Dewey even openly compared the main storyline for "Dangerous", to The Spear of Selene in a conversation with Gosalyn. 🤔

While I'm mainly talking about the third season, there are multiple "throwaway" statements throughout it that continue to stick out to me...

  • LP in "Ragnorok" about being Captain Crash "this whole time" in a surprising twist...Drake later being convinced that LP was Gizmoduck this "whole time", and Gosalyn responding in a tired, disappointed way...
  • LP claiming in "Last Adventure" that getting kidnapped by an evil company while looking for a phone charger in an office, is something that "happens all the time", but didn't happen in the situation he speculated about...oddly specific...
  • The end credit song for "Ragnarok" not making sense in context...talking about a hero going out into the night sky, not spoiling for a fight, when the WHOLE episode was about fighting...the mountain climb parts feel very reminiscent of "Neverrest" and it's hard not to think of pilots when there's any mention of flying involved...another episode with a Launchpad focus

Even as far back as S1, LP was claiming in "Selene" that he always says, "better to be safe than...whatever the opposite of safe is", with Scrooge being confused by this. Then in S2, there was a similarly structured conversation when Glomgold was going through amnesia...wearing Launchpad's colors...

Very strange indeed.



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